Green Island Case Studies
The Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) is a coalition of island and low-lying coastal countries that share similar development problems and concerns about the environment, especially their vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change. For two decades, the 42 member States of AOSIS have served as the moral compass of international climate negotiations, demanding an agreement that reflects the increasing urgency to stop global warming. Whilst the latest deal reached at the Cancun Conference in December 2010 was a small step in the right direction, there is still a long way to go and barriers to overcome. From their earliest work on an ambitious climate treaty to current efforts to strengthen reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions and emerging initiatives to transform their own energy sectors into drivers of sustainable development, the members of AOSIS have constantly lobbied G-20 nations to demonstrate the real leadership now required to tackle the climate crisis.
Whilst many AOSIS members, out of sheer necessity, have had to pioneer mitigation and adaptation measures to combat sea-level rise, other small island communities around the world have also been actively engaged in minimizing any damage to the environment caused by their economic and social activities. Our case studies represent a 'snapshot' from some of these Green Islands who are committed to reducing their dependency on fossil fuels and making a positive contribution to global sustainability based on a responsible use of natural resources and conscious stewardship of the environment. This includes conservation and management strategies that maintain and restore biodiversity thus reducing some of the negative impacts from climate change.
The aim of these case studies is not to produce some kind of environmental 'scorecard' to determine which islands might be best at pursuing the most sustainable livelihood practices and becoming as carbon neutral as possible. Rather our objective has been to draw upon and document the practical experience of 50 different island communities in order to share their knowledge and solutions as widely as possible thus inspiring others who face the direct consequences of climate change. Whilst the challenges are the same, their particular approaches and financial ability to solve them vary, so information covering a wide range of parameters has been gathered. There have been major successes and it would be invidious to criticise some inevitable setbacks and serious shortcomings that still exist when their collective efforts have clearly demonstrated that small islands are leading by example.
There is now growing anecdotal evidence that when an island starts to exhibit some innovative approaches to developing sustainable economic activities and utilization of the latest environmental technologies to combat climate change then there is a corresponding upsurge and celebration of cultural awareness. These jointly create an even stronger identity and sense of place. This positive spin-off often leads to a complete turnaround in the fortunes of an island that was facing terminal decline due to out-migration and other adverse socio-economic factors. Our organization is now keen to expand this collection of Green Island case studies, establish stronger working relationships with similar initiatives (see links below) and create a new network of partners wishing to undertake further research. More specifically, we would like to investigate how and why achieving a sense of place helps people identify with their particular island and can lead to community-led planning for future integrated development. This will require some modest funding so if you are interested in supporting, or joining us, with this endeavour then please don't hesitate to make contact.
Links of interest
Baltic Green Islands
Blue Climate
Caribbean Community Climate
Change Centre
Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange
Climate & Development Knowledge Network
Cradle to Cradle Islands
Ecosystems and Livelihoods Adaptation
Endangered Islands Campaign
Energy Development in Island Nations
European Islands Network on
Energy and Environment
European ReIslands
Global Forum on Oceans, Coasts and
Global Partnership for Oceans
Global Sustainable Energy Islands
Indian Ocean Commission Acclimate
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
International Renewable Energy Agency
Islands First
Live & Learn Environmental Education
Locally-Managed Marine Area Network
Many Strong Voices
Nordic Network for Sustainable Energy
Systems in Isolated Locations
OCTs Regional Risk Reduction Initiative
On the Frontlines of Climate
Adaptation to Climate Change
Pacific Climate Change Portal
Pacific Climate Change Science Program
Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project
Sea Level Rise Foundation
Small Developing Island Renewable
Energy Knowledge and Technology Transfer Network
Stockholm Environment Institute
United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change
Tools & Resources
Adaptation Fund
Adaptation Learning
Adaptation Partnership
Best Foot Forward
Breathing Earth
Climate Change Knowledge Portal
Climate Change Policy & Practice
Climate Vulnerability Monitor
Community-based Risk Screening Tool
Adaptation and Livelihoods
Ecological Footprint of Islands
Ecosystem Based Management Tools
Environmental Vulnerability
Fast Start Finance
Global Footprint Network
Global Socioeconomic Monitoring Initiative for Coastal Management
Carbon Emissions Calculator
Climate Update
Island Communications Toolkit
Journey to the Sinking Lands
Pacific Climate Virtual Library
Pacific Islands Climate
Pacific Islands Global Climate Observing
Practitioners Toolkit for
Marine Conservation Agreements
Real Climate
Reef Resilience Toolkit
RETScreen Clean Energy Project
Analysis Software
Sun Come Up
The Hungry Tide
The Island President
There Once Was An Island
Tiempo Climate Cyberlibrary
Tulele Peisa
WWF Footprint